Cut A Shine Hoedown and Ceilidh Band.
Cut A Shine are a London based troupe of traditional musicians, dynamic Ceilidh dancers and crazy callers determined to spread the word that the Hoe Down is a’happening.
Upcoming Events, Festivals and Dances
Cut A Shine Nights and London Ceilidh Dances.
The band started out by hosting our own London Ceilidh and Barn Dance parties at venues across London: from Warehouses to old church halls. These quickly grew into monster bashes with bands, DJs and all sorts. Then we started getting into Festivals, and it seemed that our brand of rip roaring fancy dressed Ceilidh dance was just what the doctor ordered!
We now host Monthly London Ceilidh Dances and large bespoke/themed Ceilidh and Barn Dances across London - from all night warehouse bashes to balls in resplendent and decadent venues.
Cut A Shine is predominantly:
Joe Buirski - Calling/Banjo/Bass
Jo Bowis - Calling and Dancing
Professor Jerry Bloom - Fiddlin'
Steve Blake - Fiddle/Banjo
Paul "Sparkles" Martin - Guitar
amongst a host of other musicians, dancers and callers from within our collective of talented folky musicians!
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The Scots have Ceilidh, the Irish Set Dancing and Ceili, The English have their Country Dance. Deep in the Southern States of America the real Cowboys and mountain folk had Square Dancing. AKA Hoedown, AKA Barn Dance. Fast and furious when danced right, this style of dance gives rise to the classic calls of “swing your partner”, “do si doh!” and “buffalo girls go round the outside”, made famous by Malcolm McLaren in the early 80s.
The Round Chapel, Hackney